SciCrunch is a world leader in making scientific research more reproducible and trustworthy
We provide trusted platforms, tools, and resources to enable scientists, resource providers, and companies to track research reagents and to check the rigor and transparency within methods
Bringing trust to science
Research integrity means research efficiency
Research efficiency = cost savings
Tools for governments, researchers, publishers institutions and commercial companies
SciScore™ is the best methods review tool for scientific articles. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
Analytical services
We provide various We deliver insightful reports on the utilization of essential resources, embodying a commitment to rigor and transparency.
Antibody Registry
The Antibody Registry gives researchers a structured way to universally identify antibodies used in their research.
Governments, foundations and grants
Industry partners
“We’re excited to partner with SciCrunch to pilot the creation of structured resource tables for preprints in the life sciences. We look forward to seeing the different ways in which authors and readers of preprints will use these linked resources”