Automated Screening Working Group

SciCrunch Inc supports the efforts of the automated screening working group and donates SciScore, both license and compute time, to aid in these efforts!

ASWG: “We are a group of software engineers and biologists passionate about improving scientific manuscripts on a large scale. Our goal is to process every manuscript in the biomedical sciences as it is being submitted for publication, and provide customized feedback to improve that manuscript. Our members have created tools that check for common problems in scientific manuscripts, including information needed to improve transparency and reproducibility. Our tools were designed separately, but we are currently building pathways that allow the tools to work together and provide a single, integrated report.”

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Resource Identification Portal

SciCrunch Inc encourages journals to use the Resource Identification Portal (maintained by UCSD’s FDI Lab), supporting guidelines for Rigor and Transparency in scientific publications. If you are an author, please find your key resources: Antibodies, Model Organisms, Cell Lines, Plasmids, and other Tools (software, databases, services). Just copy the RRID citation into your paper. If you can't find your resource add a new one, we make it easy.

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