Code Information - What is this?

  • Code Information: Code Availability

    • MDAR

    • If we find code information, then SciScore expects to find the following items (randomization, blinding, power);

    • Code Identifiers

      • MDAR

      • URL from GitHub, google code, bitbucket

Sharing your code improves the trust in your research and increases citations and collaboration.

At its simplest, making sure that your code is in a public code repository (e.g. GitHub, GitLab) with a license, in conjunction with depositing your data, lets people inspect a more complete set of workings of the research in your paper. It also benefits you by providing version control and access to tooling that will make your life easier.

From there, it is a simple step to archive your work in a preservation repository (e.g. Zenodo - 1 click from GitHub) which will ensure that your code is available and citable for the long term. If the code is intended for broader sharing, please consider adding a citation file.

These steps also make it easier for you and your collaborators to build on in future research.