Pearson correlation test
Assumptions to check
Independence of observations
The distribution of data in the underlying population from each of the samples is derived is normal.Normal distribution (testable by e.g. Kolmogorov–Smirnov test, Shapiro–Wilk test, the Anderson-Darling test, Q-Q plot)
Linearity (e.g inspecting scatterplot)
Report design in Methods section
Report on variables.
Name the statistical package or program used in the analysis.
Report statistics in Results section:
correlation coefficient r, p-value, t-statistics
Methods section: To evaluate the correlation between factors (height and weight) the parametric Pearson correlation test was used. The analysis was performed in R software (RRID:SCR_001905).
Results section: The parametric Pearson correlation analysis was used, and it showed a high and significant positive correlation between height and weight (r(98) = .63, p < .001, t=2.35 ). The scatterplot, with a linear trend line, showed no violation of the linearity assumption and no significant outliers. The Shapiro-Wilk normality test results indicated that both weight (W = .99, p = .454) and height (W = .98, p = .165) variables fit the normal distribution.