Wilcoxon test
Wilcoxon test should be associated with info about:
Design (methods section, please address)
type of Wilcoxon test (i.e. Wilcoxon signed rank test, rank sum test (Mann-Whitney))
Wilcoxon signed rank test
Assumptions to check:
sample of subjects has been randomly selected from the population it represents
scores obtained for each of the subjects are interval/ratio data
distribution of the difference scores in the population represented is symmetric
variables do not satisfy any distribution curve, even after transformation
Report design (in Methods section)
one sample test or two sample matched pairs test
one or two tails
statistical package or program used (RRID)
Report statistics (in Result section)
T-statistic (or z-statistic) exact p-values, group size
descriptive statistics
effect size
Methods section: The Wilcoxon test was used to evaluate the hypothesis. We used GraphPad Prism (RRID:SCR_002798) to perform the analysis.
Results section: A Wilcoxon test was performed to evaluate whether the reaction time for the group before treatment (n=35) had the same values as the reaction time for the group after treatment. The results indicated that the group after treatment had significantly greater reaction time than the group before with z = -2.05, p = .040 with medium effect size r=0.48.
Wilcoxon rank sum test (Mann-Whitney)
Assumptions to check
each sample has been randomly selected from the population it represents
two samples are independent of one another
data are at least ordinal
the populations distributions are identical in shape but does not have to be normal
Report design (in Methods section)
statistical package or program used (RRID)
Report statistics (in result section)
* U-statistic (or z-statistics for large groups), exact p-values, sample and group sizes * effect size * descriptive statistics